In Ruby, Splat arguments are arguments preceded by a *, which signals to Ruby: "Hey Ruby, I don't know how many arguments there are about to be, but it could be more than one."

For example:
def what_up(greeting, *bros)
  bros.each { |bro| puts "#{greeting}, #{bro}!" }
what_up("What up", "Justin", "Ben", "Kevin Sorbo")
It's will print out 3 greetings like the following:

 I also faced the similar one in  Python, which is called gather parameter . All arguments value will be collected into a tuple. To do this, you provide a final parameter definition of the form * args. The * indicates that this parameter variable is the place to capture the extra argument values. The variable, here called extras , will receive a sequence with all of the extra positional argument values.

For example:
def foo(*args):
    print args

foo (1,False,"String")

You can try the above script quickly in terminal :

In Php, I haven't found anything like Splat arguments in Ruby. If you want to implement something like "splat arguments" in Php, I think : func_get_args is a good choice. This function will get the list of function's arguments and return an array.

For example:
function foo()
    $arg_list = func_get_args();
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>

You can see the result like that: