Select (get) last element of collection (list, array ) in JSTL

To select last element of collection when looping in a JSP page, we just use varStatus attribute of <c:forEach> tag. During iterating ...

Select (get) first element of collection (list, array ) in JSTL

To select first element of collection when looping in a JSP page, we just use varStatus attribute of <c:forEach> tag. During iterating...

What JSTL means ?

Copy from  An Introduction to JSTL  by Sue Spielman Have you heard about the JSTL but aren't quite sure of how to ...

JSP JSTL < c: forEach > Tag

Have you ever used JSTL <c:forEach> to iterate a Collection such as List or Array in JSP page? It's a  basic iteration tag, accep...