When  automate testing Laravel project on Codeship.  We need to set up environment variable (.env) and config some database information if need.

Everything you can do is configure your tests in Project Settings.

1. Setup your prefer php version

You can setup your php, Laravel project version by using phpenv command
# Set php version through phpenv. 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 available
phpenv local 5.5

2. Setup database for testing

Codeship supports Mysql/MariaDB, Prostgresql and MongoDB in default. For another, I think we should to use Docker to install them before.
For Mysql, we have Mysql root account and an database named test. I do not know how to get the password of Mysql root account. So, I need to create another  mysql user by using mysql -e to run mysql command.

#Setup MySql
mysql -e 'create database forge;'
mysql -e 'CREATE USER 'forge'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';'
mysql -e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'forge'@'localhost';'

I do not need to create a new database because I will you  test database which was created in default by Codeship before.

3. Touch your .env

For Laravel project secret information, We saved them into .env file. I need to touch a .env file before running our tests.
touch .env
echo "APP_ENV=testing">> .env
echo "APP_DEBUG=true" >> .env
echo "APP_KEY=iXGNAjVbw7731rzhGp1OATxxGeSyK4zd" >> .env
echo "APP_URL=YOUR_PREFER_URL" >> .env
echo "DB_CONNECTION=mysql" >> .env
echo "DB_HOST=localhost" >> .env
echo "DB_DATABASE= test" >> .env
echo "DB_USERNAME=forge">> .env
echo "DB_PASSWORD=secret" >> .env

# Add more .env here

4. Install your project

# Install dependencies through Composer
composer install --dev --no-interaction
# Migrate and seed database using the APP_ENV environment variable of 'testing'
php artisan migrate --force
#Prepare data test
php artisan db:seed --class=YOUR_SEED_CLASS --force
Now, you can add test command in Configure Test Pipeline to run your testcases.

5. TroubleShooting

5.1 PHPUnit Memory Allocation Exhausted

If you have a large testing suite, the unit tests will fail due to a memory allocation problem.
If you want to increase memory_limit in php, just add the following command in Setup Commands:

sed -i'' 's/^memory_limit=.*/memory_limit = 2048m/g' /home/rof/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php.ini