Performance benchmark of popular PHP frameworks

A PHP framework gives you common structures to normalise web apps, assist productivity, reduce repetitive coding and create more stable si...

Get Url, domain name, path name, protocol, port of current page in Javascript

Using window.location object, we can get current page address informations including url, domain name of web server, path name, protocol a...

Convert string to number and vice versa in Javascript

I.Convert String to number  1. Convert String to Integer : parseInt(string,radix)  parseInt(string,radix) string Required. The string...

MySQL cheat sheet & examples

MySQL cheat sheet & examples, a list of useful mysql commands provides you the most commonly used. Show all databases mysql> s...

Error loading MySQLdb module image not found Mac OSX 10.9 Mavericks

I faced the following problem when try to run a django project in Mac OSX 10.9 Mavericks. It has Mysql-python module installed already. ...

Find out OS Distribution name and version in Linux

How can I known what Linux distribution version which I'm using? There are some commands that help you find out it quickly. I tried i...

Zip and Unzip a folder in Linux

I keep forgetting the command to zip a folder in Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4). And I have even got all files in the folder got z...