Ubuntu 14.04 CMake Error qmake: could not exec

I built sqlitebrowser in Ubuntu 14.04 and foud qmake could not exec when run cmake command. $ cmake .. qmake: could not exec '/usr/lib...

[Laravel 4] change column name in Migration

In Laravel 3, you can change column name in migration file. From Laravel 4, If you are using the renameColumn function in your migrations, y...

[Laravel 4] Class not Found error when using migrate:rollback

Run composer dump-autoload   in terminal to update autoload class file. After that, run migrate:rollback again

Sublime text 2 - Setting vertical line after 80 characters

Hold on !  Why 80 characters ? Well, I think It's common coding standard (May be it's a result of the IBM's 1928 80 column ...

Generate migration from existed database in Laravel 4

Laravel supports migration function which help us manage database and collaborate with team members better. We write code to define schema...

Auto complete for Phalcon framework in Eclipse

Phalcon is a web framework implemented as a C extension , every Phalcon's fan know that. It mean we cannot view source code of framewo...

Install Phalcon & Phalcon developer tool in Ubuntu 13.10

I installed  Phalcon on Ubuntu 13.10 from   Official manual  and faced some problems may make beginner confused. I.  install Phalcon  F...