Useful php commandline Linux User Must Know

0. php-v $ php -v PHP 5.5.22 (cli) (built: Apr 7 2015 10:29:09) Copyright (c) 1997-2015 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (c)...

Upgrade Nodejs and npm

1. Upgrade nodejs Firstly, checkout the version of nodejs: $ node -v If it is not the latest version, use the following commands to ...

Laravel 5 customize Authentication model

I migrated a application from Laravel 4 to Laravel 5.1. In Laravel 4 , we have User eloquent class in app/models folder. So I keep it in...

[Git] Delete multiple branches in one command

We have git branch -D BRANCH_NAME command to delete a specific branch in git repository. But How should we clean up a repository which...

Ruby Bundle update vs Bundle install

bundle update and bundle install can all install the gems you specified in Gemfile but missing in gems. But bundle update does one th...

GIT revert to Previous Commit

This depends a lot on what you mean by "revert". Temporarily switch to a different commit If you want to temporarily go ba...

Merge specific files from another git branch

In Git, branches may be a part of your everyday development process. When you want to add a new feature or fix a bug - you spawn a new bra...