1. Locate command :
locate [module name]
2. The
list contains the list of directories which will be searched for modules at runtime. In python interactive command :>>> import sys3. using dir() in interactive command :
>>> sys.path
>>> dir(sys)When the dir function is called with the name of an imported module passed in
['__displayhook__', '__doc__', '__egginsert', '__excepthook__', '__name__', '__package__', '__plen', '__stderr__', '__stdin__', '__stdout__', '_clear_type_cache', '_current_frames', '_getframe', '_mercurial', 'api_version', 'argv', 'builtin_module_names', 'byteorder', 'call_tracing', 'callstats', 'copyright', 'displayhook', 'dont_write_bytecode', 'exc_clear', 'exc_info', 'exc_type', 'excepthook', 'exec_prefix', 'executable', 'exit', 'flags', 'float_info', 'float_repr_style', 'getcheckinterval', 'getdefaultencoding', 'getdlopenflags', 'getfilesystemencoding', 'getprofile', 'getrecursionlimit', 'getrefcount', 'getsizeof', 'gettrace', 'hexversion', 'last_traceback', 'last_type', 'last_value', 'long_info', 'maxint', 'maxsize', 'maxunicode', 'meta_path', 'modules', 'path', 'path_hooks', 'path_importer_cache', 'platform', 'prefix', 'ps1', 'ps2', 'py3kwarning', 'pydebug', 'setcheckinterval', 'setdlopenflags', 'setprofile', 'setrecursionlimit', 'settrace', 'stderr', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'subversion', 'version', 'version_info', 'warnoptions']
parentheses like that, it returns all the attributes inside that module. Some of the
names it returns are names you get “for free”: names with leading and trailing dou- ble underscores are built-in names that are always predefined by Python, and that have special meaning to the interpreter. The variables our code defined by assign-ment—a, b, and c—show up last in the dir result.