Step 1 : Install Eclipse in Ubuntu :
Normally, you can download source code of Eclipse at . Just choose Eclipse Classic pakages . Or in Ubuntu you can type this command to use eclipse :
sudo apt-get install eclipse
Step 2 : Install pydev as a plugin of Eclipse :
- After lauching your installed Eclipse. Click on the : Help / Install New Softwares... tab in the main menu like the following image.- A new Available software widow will occur like the following image :
You can see that, We haven't added any site yet. So you have to add the url : and give a name call pydev (you can give any name you want), to add pydev download site to install.
Click ok. Eclipse will connect to added server and get a list of plugin that you can choose to install.
- Sellect all of plugin is fully functions way.But in this situation, you can choose only : pydev like this :
Keep forward by clicking on the Next> button , and don't forget to accept the pydev terms of license :
Maybe, you will confused when a dialog appear. It's just pydev's certificates. You just have to choose it and click on the OK button.
It's done in a minutes . Now, you turn to the next step >>>
Step 3 : Configuring Python interpreter in pydev
After a sucessfull installing, you can see pydev in Eclipse references.Choose your Python interpreter in Pydev tab like the following image (in my situation I'm using Python interpreter).
Click on Auto config button Pydev when get all of your System PYTHON PATH.
or, you can Click on New, to config your interpreter manual :
After all, click on OK button in parent window. It take some minute for configuring. Restart Eclipse , you can work normally with pydev.
One more Bonus tip to get full mention and auto complete functions will be in the next post soon.