CHtml::image() is helper for generate HTML img tag in Yii framework.
1.Class Reference
public static string image(string $src,
string $alt='',
array $htmlOptions=array ( ))
- $src: string of image path
- $alt: html alt tag content, for altenative text display when img lost.
- $htmlOptions: array of HTML attribute of img
2.Example of Chtml::image()
In the following examples, we assume that image files are located in YII_APP_BASE_PATH/img/ . For example, you have a yii application called : blog, and add all images in blog/img/ folder. Yii have a variable called Yii::app()->request->baseUrl point to application root folder, you can use this variable for base path.- Image only:
echo CHtml::image(Yii::app()->request->baseUrl.'/img/image.png');
- Image with alt attribute:
echo CHtml::image(Yii::app()->request->baseUrl.'/img/image.png',
"this is alt tag of image");
<img src="..." alt="this is alt tag of image">- Add width and height attribute for image:
echo CHtml::image(Yii::app()->request->baseUrl.'/img/image.png',
"this is alt tag of image",
array("width"=>"50px" ,"height"=>"50px"));
<img alt="this is alt tag of image" height="50px" src="..." width="50px" />You can also add another html attributes like class, id,etc for image in the similar way to adding width and height attribute for image above.