Find out OS Distribution name and version in Linux

How can I known what Linux distribution version which I'm using? There are some commands that help you find out it quickly. I tried i...

Zip and Unzip a folder in Linux

I keep forgetting the command to zip a folder in Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4). And I have even got all files in the folder got z...

Find file in Linux console

To find a file in Linux console. We can use "find" command. 1. Find by name find [directory]   -name    [filename] For ex...

strtotime(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings in cakephp

When you run cakephp application, may be you meet the follow error:   Warning: strtotime(): It is not safe to rely on the system's t...

Splat arguments in Ruby, Python, PHP

In Ruby, Splat arguments are arguments preceded by a *, which signals to Ruby: "Hey Ruby, I don't know how many arguments there a...

Useful postgresql database administration commands

Some useful commands for administrating postgreSQL database. 1. Viewing all current Postgresql connections to Database server SELEC...

List all object's properties & methods in PHP

How to list all Object's properties and methods in PHP? I faced this issues when trying to build a micro framework in PHP (like fla...